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How to create a Barcode Using PHP Barcode 128 Generator

A barcode is an optical, machine-readable, representation of data, the data usually describes something about the object that carries the barcode.We will use PHP to generate Barcode in this tutorial.

In this script, we are using coding which will generate barcodes in barcode format Code 128.
First, we will create index.php which will ask for the user input for which Barcode has to be created

PHP Barcode Generator
<fieldset><legend>Detail Informations</legend><form action="createbarcode.php" method="post"><b>Enter Your Code </b><input name="barcode" type="text" /><input type="submit" value="Create Barcode" /></form></fieldset>

Now we will create createbarcode.php which will call function from Barcode code128 class for creating barcode
<? php
include('barcode128.php'); // include php barcode 128 class
// design our barcode display
echo '
<div style="border: 1px double #333; padding: 5px; margin: 5px auto; width: 100%;">';
echo bar128(stripslashes($_POST['barcode']));
echo '</div>

Now we have to create barcode128.php which is the class for generating barcode and is going to included by createbarcode.php

global $char128asc,$char128charWidth;
$char128asc=' !"#$%&amp;\'()*+,-./0123456789:;&lt;=&gt;?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~';
$char128wid = array(
'212222','222122','222221','121223','121322','131222','122213','122312','132212','221213', // 0-9
'221312','231212','112232','122132','122231','113222','123122','123221','223211','221132', // 10-19
'221231','213212','223112','312131','311222','321122','321221','312212','322112','322211', // 20-29
'212123','212321','232121','111323','131123','131321','112313','132113','132311','211313', // 30-39
'231113','231311','112133','112331','132131','113123','113321','133121','313121','211331', // 40-49
'231131','213113','213311','213131','311123','311321','331121','312113','312311','332111', // 50-59
'314111','221411','431111','111224','111422','121124','121421','141122','141221','112214', // 60-69
'112412','122114','122411','142112','142211','241211','221114','413111','241112','134111', // 70-79
'111242','121142','121241','114212','124112','124211','411212','421112','421211','212141', // 80-89
'214121','412121','111143','111341','131141','114113','114311','411113','411311','113141', // 90-99
'114131','311141','411131','211412','211214','211232','23311120' ); // 100-106

////Define Function
function bar128($text) { // Part 1, make list of widths
global $char128asc,$char128wid;
$w = $char128wid[$sum = 104]; // START symbol
for($x=0;$x&lt;strlen($text);$x++) // GO THRU TEXT GET LETTERS
if (!( ($pos = strpos($char128asc,$text[$x])) === false )){ // SKIP NOT FOUND CHARS
$w.= $char128wid[$pos];
$sum += $onChar++ * $pos;
$w.= $char128wid[ $sum % 103 ].$char128wid[106]; //Check Code, then END
//Part 2, Write rows

"; for($x=0;$x&lt;strlen($w);$x+=2) // code 128 widths: black border, then white space $html .= "
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<div class="\&quot;b128\&quot;" style="0border-left-width: {$w[$x]}; width: {$w[$x+1]}\&quot;;"></div>
return "$html</td>
<td colspan=".strlen($w)." align="center"><span style="font-size: small;"><b>$text</b></span></td>

This is all what we have to do for generating Barcodes using PHP. 


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