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CSS margin property - Clarification margin: 0 0 10px;

 In this post we will going to explain the CSS margin property  margin: 0 0 10px; The margin CSS property sets the margin area on all four sides of an element. It is a shorthand for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left. CSS margin short hand code can be a bit confusing at first. margin: 0 0 10px;  Top margin = 0 Right/Left margin = 0 Bottom margin = 10px or pixels margin: 30px;   //All four margins are 30px margin: 10px 40px;  //Top & Bottom margin = 10px, left & right = 40 margin: 10px 20px 30px; // top=10, left/right=20, bottom=30 margin: 10px 20px 10px 20px;  // Top=10, Right=20, Bottom=10, Left=10  

Best way to find duplicate records in a table on database

Method 1: The method will display group wise duplicate leads. SELECT     eabhyasa_id, eabhyasa_name, eabhyasa_email, eabhyasa_mobile,stage_name,count(*) no_of_records FROM rns_leads as L     left join rns_stages as S on S.stg_id= E.eabhyasa_stg_id GROUP BY eabhyasa_email, eabhyasa_mobile HAVING count(*) > 1  Method 2: The below method will display all duplicate leads SELECT L.eabhyasa_id, L.eabhyasa_fname, L.eabhyasa_email, L.eabhyasa_mobile,S.stg_name, case when E.eabhyasa_cp_type=0 then "-" when E.eabhyasa_cp_type=1 then "Fssess" when E.eabhyasa_cp_type=2 then "full" when E.eabhyasa_cp_type=3 then "part1" when E.eabhyasa_cp_type=4 then "part2" when E.eabhyasa_cp_type=5 then "part3" when E.eabhyasa_cp_type=6 then "part4" end as Payment_Stage FROM rns_leads L left join gti_stages as S on S.stg_id= E.eabhyasa_stg_id INNER JOIN ( SELECT eabhyasa_email, eabhyasa_mobile,count(*) no_of_records FROM gt...

How to Select/Check all radio buttons using Jquery

Use below HTML code to Check all radio buttons <input type="radio" class="presnt_all" name="emp_attendance" id="emp_attendance" value="1"/>All Present <input type="radio" class="absent_all" name="emp_attendance" id="emp_attendance" value="2"/>All Absent <input type="radio" class="leave_all" name="emp_attendance" id="emp_attendance" value="3"/>All Leave <input type="radio" class="presnt_att" name="emp_attendance1" id="emp_attendance1" value="1" />Present <input type="radio" class="absent_att" name="emp_attendance1" id="emp_attendance1" value="2" />Absent <input type="radio" class="leave_att" name="emp_attendance1" id="emp_attendance1" value="3" />Leave...