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How to change a MySQL database’s table prefix

Changing a database table prefix is easy and here’s the simple step-by-step guide! For WordPress installations, it’s essential!
How to change a prefix

1. In your text editor, change database_name, old_prefix_ and new_prefix_ to the required values:

SET @database = "database_name";
SET @old_prefix = "old_prefix_";
SET @new_prefix = "new_prefix_";

" TO ",
replace(TABLE_NAME, @old_prefix, @new_prefix),
) AS "SQL" 

FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = @database;

2. Run the query in cPanel or PHPMyAdmin on your WordPress database
3. The output will be a series of SQL queries that will rename the tables for you

4. Run the output
5. Done!

How to add a prefix 
If your database doesn’t have a prefix at all, follow the steps above but use the below query that’s been slightly modified for this purpose:

SET @database = "database_name";
SET @prefix = "prefix_";

" TO ",
) AS "SQL" 

FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = @database;


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